Christine's right -- it is really hard to believe this project is wrapping up. I'm going to miss the surveying, which was completed a month ago, but I'll also miss some other things: doing the crossword puzzle at lunch every day with John, habitually speaking in first person plural, having keys to the stacks at HSP, to name just the ones on my mind at the moment.
I feel truly fortunate to have been involved with the survey. Over the last 28 months, I've had the opportunity to work at some of the area's most prestigious and interesting institutions (if I listed them all out on my resume, I'd look very accomplished, but also very flighty -- can't this girl hold onto a job?). A quick search of the database shows that 2100 collections (19,417 linear feet) have been surveyed since the beginning of August 2006, when John and I hired on. I personally had my hands in 1763 of these collections. A few of them were snoozers, but for the most part, I wanted to spend longer looking at the papers, letters, diaries, and photographs than I had time for. At nearly every institution, I found at least one collection that made me want to volunteer (if only there were more Saturday hours...). And several that made me want go back and pick a new topic for my senior college thesis.
After working with staff members of 22 institutions, what really strikes me most (and gives me the greatest feeling of optimism about my future career in archives) is how happy people seem with their jobs. In addition to being generally smart and helpful people, the archivists and librarians I've met during this project all really seem to like their work and to be engaged with the materials in their collections.
The conference (Something New for Something Old) that PACSCL hosted earlier this month was a good opportunity to touch base with many of the people we've worked with over the course of the project (though like any big gathering, I didn't get to talk to as many people as I intended to). The conference also gave me a chance to hear more about the kinds of issues that archivists are facing in managing their collections and making them visible and available to researchers. For anyone who didn't make it to the conference, I'd encourage you to check out the website for information on the impressive array of speakers -- and check back soon for presentations and other information that will be added to the site.
All of this -- the great people I've met, the cool collections to be found on the shelves, and the energy and ingenuity with which people are addressing challenges in the profession make me feel like I've really found the right field. Now there's just the little matter of getting my degree...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Notes from my last day as a PACSCL surveyor
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2:08 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Celebrating Innovation in Archives and Special Collections
It's hard to believe, but we're coming very close to the end of the PACSCL Consortial Survey Initiative. John and Jenny began surveying at our 22nd and final institution, the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, last week, and we've been making final visits to some of the participating institutions and tying up various loose ends.
One of those loose ends is really too exciting to be characterized as such. We're hosting a project-end conference celebrating not just the survey project, but innovation in archives and special collections more broadly. Titled "Something New for Something Old: Innovative Approaches to Managing Archives and Special Collections," the conference will take place from December 4-5 at the Union League of Philadelphia. We've got an incredible lineup of national speakers who will be sharing creative ideas about managing collections and making them available to researchers. More information is available at
Anyone is welcome, and the registration fee is only $50, but space is very limited. At the time of this writing, only 15 tickets remained, so if you’d like to attend, please register at as soon as possible. We also plan to record the sessions and making them available on our website so that even if you can't be there in person, you can benefit from the discussions.
Thirty months, over 2,000 collections and nearly 20,000 linear feet later, we're thrilled to be wrapping things up with such a bang!
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11:11 AM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Records and Archives in the News
We aren't featured in the regular press very often, but our friends at Independence Seaport Museum managed to wrangle a feature in today's Philadelphia Bulletin that does a good job of explaining what we do in layman's terms. You can read all about it online and also check out a photo (currently toward the bottom of the homepage) of some of the great stuff the surveyors uncovered during their two stints of surveying at the Museum.
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11:35 AM
Labels: hidden collections
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The future of cataloging - yes, I said cataloging
Taking a slight detour from surveying, last week I gave an invited presentation on the implications for archives and special collections of the Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control at PALINET's Future of Cataloging Symposium. Since the audience was made up almost entirely of catalogers and heads of technical services for academic, public, and special libraries, this was not my typical crowd, or my typical subject matter. It was a really interesting experience, however, because both preparing for my talk and listening to my fellow speakers drove home how similar the challenges we face are.
The crux of the presentations I attended, as well as the LC Working Group report, was that people are looking for ways to improve access, streamline procedures, increase efficiency, cut costs, be more responsive to user needs, adapt to new technologies, and integrate data better into the increasingly web-centered world of information. Sound familiar?
Although I was impressed and even inspired by the LC Working Group's effort overall, and especially encouraged by the attention that "rare, unique, and other special hidden materials" receive in the report, one of the points I made in my presentation was that few special collections professionals, and virtually no archivists, were involved in the Working Group's research or the writing of the report (though the Bibliographic Standards Committee of RBMS submitted a detailed and well-reasoned response to the draft report). It's a shame, because clearly so many of the issues for which the group was proposing recommendations directly impact, and have in many ways begun to be addressed by, those of us who work most closely with archives and special collections materials, with the PACSCL survey as just one example. One of the report's main recommendations for special collections is that access should be integrated with access for other library materials. I would argue that holds true not just for access to materials, but involvement in developing standards and systems and professional discussion as well. (By the way, I'm not exempting myself from the group who didn't get involved even though I had been vaguely aware of the LC Working Group for awhile - without the impetus this presentation gave me, I might not otherwise have read this report all the way through, which would have really been a shame.)
For those who are interested in learning more about the people's thoughts on the future of cataloging, and how it parallels trends in archives and special collections, all of the symposium presentations were recorded and should be available from PALINET soon. If you're interested in one archivist's take on the LC Working Group effort and future directions for "bibliographic control" in archives and special collections, the PowerPoint slides from my presentation are available here.
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10:57 AM
Labels: cataloging, hidden collections, presentations, professional perspectives
Friday, March 21, 2008
Dear Folks
We’ve recently seen quite a bit of correspondence, much of it in the form of “letters home” from missionaries abroad. These are a bit like blogs. This is especially true for the letters addressed to larger audiences such as extended family and friends or congregations. While some letters comment on larger world events, the main focus is on the work of the mission and more local and personal concerns. Blogs, though, tend to be more frequent and posts are often very specific, in a way these letters usually aren’t. However, as a means of communicating to a large group with similar interests and who are widely distributed geographically, they are very similar.
Are missionaries currently posting blogs? A search online brought up a few missionary blogs, and it does seem as if the “letter home” has continued well into the digital era. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) website has a number of them posted from various missions around the world.
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2:35 PM
The spice of life
At Temple University, another institution with quite a wide range of subject matter on the shelves, we ran into what in retrospect looks like a very similar pairing of diverse subjects. This time it was Fred Zimring's research materials on Barrows Dunham, a chairman of the University's philosophy department who was dismissed from his position for refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee, which was investigating him on charges of subversive activities and alleged membership in the Communist Party. Just the day before we were browsing these interviews about the reach of government into academe during the red scare, we had been steeped in motherhood and apple pie, with the Emilie Mulholland baseball collection. Mulholland had worked for both the Philadelphia Athletics and the Pittsburgh Pirates, and she amassed a pretty impressive collection of memorabilia: baseballs, photographs, programs, a couple of jerseys, and a variety of elephants (the mascot of the Athletics). Mulholland was also a dedicated scorekeeper, and her collection includes years' worth of scorecards.
Consideration of these shifts subject, and shifts of geography, discipline, time period, and weightiness of the matter at hand (not to say, of course, that baseball isn't a very weighty matter...), reinforces for me how interesting this project is for the surveyors. Digging into one collection and savoring its contents (albeit for a short time) is one of the primary joys of this job, and being served a brand new dish with the very next collection is another.
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2:00 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
You describe my back...
Recently Josie, our intern for the semester, and I surveyed a collection that reminded me of one of the hoped for outcomes of this project: that once people find out about some of these "hidden" collections we're surveying, they will want to use them, and that maybe they'll even want to assist in bringing them further into the light.
The particular collection that spurred these thoughts consisted of 140 feet of 19th and 20th century records of an prominent Philadelphia publishing house, the J.B. Lippincott Company. I'll admit I had been holding off on surveying it for awhile, because it seemed like, to use a highly technical term, a monster - more than 90 boxes of volumes and paper records, plus nearly one hundred volumes that weren't in boxes. We had an accession record, and some donor correspondence to work from, but it seemed like that was it.
Before we started surveying, however, our staff liaison brought another access tool to our attention. It turned out that within the past year a researcher had learned of the collection's existence and requested to use it. Undaunted at learning that there was very little description and that it would be difficult to use in its current state, the researcher worked out an arrangement with the institution whereby he would provide a preliminary assessment and listing for the entire collection. The result was a very useful (albeit skeletal) wordprocessed box- and volume-level inventory that will undoubtedly aid both staff and other researchers who request access in the future. (A secondary benefit for the PACSCL survey team is that a collection that could have taken the good part of a day to assess, got done in less than an hour.) (Update: HSP has posted a preliminary finding aid for this collection that combines the survey description and the inventory.)
In this era of movement towards minimum standards cataloging and processing and increasing pressure to make resources available more quickly, there is a lot of talk of what role user-supplied description could play and how best to encourage it. Some people seemed convinced that this is something far on the horizon, something that requires advanced cyberinfrastracture and a thorough understanding of Web 2.0 technologies. While I'm all for exploiting technology as much as possible to improve our service to and interaction with our researchers, this example is a reminder that we don't have to work out all the technological kinks to make user-supplied description a reality now. Something as simple as asking a researcher to give you a copy of that Word document they produced on their laptop over the course of their research visit can make access better -- and the lives of your friendly neighborhood surveyors a whole lot easier!
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2:21 PM